Meeting Agenda
Meeting overview
Public comments
Liason Reports
Public Hearing - Vote to approve amendments to the FY25 Classification plan
Eagle Scouts Award
Senior Property Tax Workers Program presentation and vote on policy amendments
Performance review of Town Manager Matt Kraunelis
Future Agenda Items and Approving prior meeting minutes
Executive Session: Discussion of strategyfor pending lawsuit by the Town against Delphi Construction, Inc. as discussion in open session may have a detrimental effect on the town’s litigation position (G.L. c. 30A, § 21(a)(3)).
Executive Session: Discuss litigation strategy with respect to Davenport v. Town of Reading, as discussion in open session may have a detrimental effect on the town’s litigating position. (G.L. c. 30A, § 21(a)(3))
Executive Session: To conduct strategy session in preparation for contract negotiations with nonunion personnel - Town Manager Matthew Kraunelis. (G.L. c. 30A, § 21(a)(2))